Quotes in “SING” (2016)

SING is 3D computer animated musical comedy film that produced by Illumination Entertainment. This film was released on December 21, 2016. The story is about where the world was entirely populated by animals who behave like humans, Sing tells of Buster Moon (Matthew McConaughey), a koala who must fight to defend his theater that once was victorious. Then, he held a singing contest to draw attention back to the community.  There were so many contestant that participated, and the five that selected were a rat (Seth MacFarlane), a young elephant shy and stage fright (Tori Kelly), the mother pig (Reese Witherspoon) that had 25 children, gorilla gangster (Taron Egerton) and hedgehog rock star (Scarlett Johansson) who wants to go solo.

I like this film so much. While watching this film I laughed a lot, cried too and also it was inspired me so many things especially about passion and dream.  Here is three quotes that I got when I watched the film.

  • Pursue Your Dream

This film taught us that we have to be brave to change the dream to become reality. It surely need hard work but later it will be pay off.

  • Do what you Love and love what you do

Johnny [talking to his father through an inmate phone service] “Dad, I just don’t want to end up being in your gang. I want to be a singer”.

When Johnny the gorilla talked to his father that he want to be a singer than a gangster.  He love to sing and when there was an opportunity he took it.

  • When you’ve reached rock bottom, there is only one way to go, and that is UP

Buster Moon said “When you’ve reached rock bottom, there’s only one way to go, and that’s up!”

When the theater was falling apart and the show was failed, Buster Moon was giving up.  He has to start again from zero. And the other contestant persuaded him. And finally, they held the concert again in the place of that broken theater and unexpectedly the concert was amazing. One by one the viewer came to that theater and it became a huge concert and also the contestant was sing perfectly.